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 Sand Village

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Posts : 141
Join date : 2009-08-22
Age : 32
Clan/Bloodline/Demon : Kyuubi- 9-Tailed Fox
Village : Leaf
Dating/Married To : Single

Ninja Profile
Ryo: 600
Elements Mastered: Water (In progress)
Jutsus: D-RANK{Suichuu (Water Breathing), Ochiru Ame no Jutsu (Falling Rain Technique), Suiton: Chiisaimizubakahatsu (Tiny Water Explosion), Suiton: Mizutsume no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Claw Technique), Suiton: Dekishi (Water Style: Death by Drowning), Suiton: Rikkido Haji no Jutsu (Water Style: Liquid Grip Technique), Netou no Jutsu (Boiling Water Technique)} C-RANK{Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone)

Sand Village Empty
PostSubject: Sand Village   Sand Village Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 7:33 pm

Sand Village Academy Skills
- Sand Collection Skill [Suna Choushuu no Jutsu]

"Sand" is actually a loose term that can include any small particles
that range from dust, to sediment, to any other incredibly small
Needless to say, this means that, even though in incredibly small
deposits, sand can be found anywhere. This jutsu allows one to gather
that sand into one spot
where it can be better used for other jutsu. As one's skill progresses
the amount of sand they can collect and control also increases. In the
case of jutsu
that originate from a nearby source of sand, those jutsu instead
originate from anywhere on the user's body. | Passive | Academy |
Allows the user to use
jutsu that requires sand that are of their current rank or lower
without a nearby source of sand. "Advanced" jutsu of their current rank
and jutsu
that specifically state that a nearby deposit of sand is needed after
the rank limit are exempt from this jutsu. This jutsu does not count
towards your one
jutsu per post limit.
Sand Jutsu
Genin Jutsu
- Sand Armor [Suna no Yoroi]

The user creates a thin, although durable, armor of sand around
their body by making the sand stick to their skin and clothes and then
hardening it. It is not
as powerful as the Sand Shield, but the armor can constantly be
rebuilt. It uses up large amounts of stamina, and makes the user a lot
heavier so they can only
keep it on for 4 posts at a time before becoming over heated and
exhausted. As the user becomes more experienced (advances in rank),
they can use less sand to
achieve the effect, as well as become more resistant to the effects of
exhaustion. Once the armor is taken off, it takes 4 posts to cool down
and recuperate. |
Chakra- 10 (Every Post) | Armor's HP- 10 | Genin | The armor's HP is
regenerated every post. For every rank above genin, the user may keep
the armor on
for an addition two posts (so 6 posts at chuunin, 8 at anbu, ect)

- Sand Clone Skill [Suna Bunshin no Jutsu]

Creates clones out of the sand. Uses small amount of chakra and
requires the presence of sand to perform. It is fully functional,
meaning it can attack and be
attacked but it has the appearance of sand so it's useless to use as a
distraction. The sand is dispersed when clone is defeated. | Chakra- 8
| Clones has
20 HP and 2 Strength | Genin

- Sand Explosion Skill [Suna Bakuhatsu no Jutsu]

The user must be near a source of sand. Sand is gathered using
chakra into a swirling ball that is hurled towards the opponent. Right
before impact, the ball
explodes into a group of riggid shards that can cut and sting their
opponent. | Chakra- 20 | Damage- 30 | Genin | Must be near a deposit of

- Sand Rope Skill [Suna Nawa no Jutsu]

Makes a thin rope of sand that the user can propel from a source of
sand towards his or her opponent. The rope wraps around the user and
tightens itself
firmly. The chakra in the rope deteriorates over time, gradually
reducing the rope's strength. | Chakra- 35 | Genin | Affect lasts 3
posts. Strength of 3
or more required to break the rope. The strength required to break the
rope decreases by 1 every post.

- Sand Shield [Suna Hogo Sochi no Jutsu]

The user slams his hands down on the ground, bringing up a large
amount of sand around him into the air to block attacks. The user
cannot stray further than
five feet away from the shield, otherwise the sand will collapse. The
wall will be sustained as long as the user continues to feed chakra
into it. | Chakra- 20
(Every Post) | Wall's HP- 60 | Genin | Must be near a large source of

- Sand Throwing Stars [Suna Shuriken]

Creates shurikens out of sand. Uses a small amount of chakra and
uses sand and hardens it to pose as a shuriken. The sand shuriken may
be created from any
source of sand and launched to an opponent by the user. The shuriken
require a little extra chakra committed to them to be "thrown" if the
user does
not throw it himself. | Chakra- 6/8 (per shuriken) | Damage- 5 (Per
Shuriken) | Genin

- Sand Whip Skill [Sunamuchi no Jutsu]

The user plunges his hand into the sand, then draws out a length of
whip made completely out of sand and chakra. It is around the thickness
of a child's
arm. With the whip, the user can attack his opponent from a short
distance, either aiming for a blow that stings the enemy with sand
particles, or wraps around
a part of their body. If successfully caught, the user can send even
more chakra through the whip, its victim to cause more damage. The
chakra in the rope
deteriorates over time, gradually reducing the rope's strength. |
Chakra- 20 | Damage- 10 (Every Post) | Advanced Genin | Affect lasts
four posts. Strength
of 4 or more needed to break the rope. The strength required is reduced
by one every post. Must know Sand Rope Skill

- Sliding Sand Wave [Suberi Suna Nami]

Not a very powerful jutsu in the least, this technique is mainly
used to stop oncoming attacks or to psyche out the opponent. The user
throws his hand to the
side as if calling the sand to follow, it forces the sand on the ground
to fly up in front of the user to either attack or defend against
oncoming jutsu. This
sand is not very strong and will easily be broken down if hit by a
powerful jutsu. The sand rises to about the size of a normal human body
and will revert back
to the ground right after being called upon. | Chakra- 10 | Damage- 3 |
Genin | Must have a large source of sand

Chuunin Jutsu

- Exploding Sand Clone Skill [Bakuretsu Suna Bunshin no Jutsu]

This jutsu causes one or more previously created sand clones to
explode from the inside, sending the sand that was used to create them
towards the victim. |
Chakra- 17 (Per Clone) | Damage- 50 (Per Clone) | Chuunin

- Hidden Sand Skill [Sunagakure no Jutsu]

The user must be around a lot of sand to do this. By slowly pulling
the users body into the sand, the user is able to walk around
underneath the sand. |
Chakra- 30 | Chuunin | Lasts three posts. The user must be standing on
a sandy or arid terrain.

- Sand Net Skill [Suna Bou no Jutsu]

Creates a large net out of sand from a source of sand that is
hurled by chakra towards the user. If the net catches the victim it
slowly begins to constrict
around the victim. The chakra in the rope deteriorates over time,
gradually reducing the rope's strength. | Chakra- 30 | Damage- 15
(Every Post) | Chuunin
| Affect lasts four posts. Strength of 4 or more needed to break the
rope. The strength required is reduced by one every post.

- Sand Sphere [Suna no Kyuutai]

The user slams his hands down on the ground, bringing up a large
amount of sand around him that will form a thick, powerful sphere
around him, protecting him
from all incoming attacks for a short remainder of time. This sphere
will withstand all pressure for a maximum of one turn for Genin, two
for Chuunin, and
three for Jounin. During this time, the user cannot see what is
happening outside of the orb. | Chakra- 60 | Chuunin | Requires a large
source of sand

- Sand Transformation Skill [Suna Henge no Jutsu]

The user covers himself in the sand armor and if he wills it he may
change the appearance of the sand to one not of his own. More useful
than Henge, it is not
easily dispelled unless the Suna no Yoroi is broken. Even Doujutsu's
can't typically tell that it is a jutsu which makes it especially
useful for
spying. When Suna no Yoroi is dispelled, so is this jutsu. | Chakra- 5
| Chuunin | Sand Armor must be active

ANBU Jutsu

- Desert Warzone Skill [Sabaku Kousenchitai no Jutsu]

After charging a fist with chakra, the user slams his knuckles into
the sand, sending what looks like a shockwave of sand at his enemy. In
reality, he is
delaying the force of the punch and making it travel beneath the desert
at his opponent where it then explodes. However, this jutsu is called
Warzone for a good reason; it only works where there is a lot of sand
on the ground. Attempting to use this jutsu anywhere else, such as on
hard, packed ground
will most likely result in the user breaking his or her hand. | Chakra-
50 | Damage- 75 | ANBU | Can only be performed on a sandy terrain
unless both strength
and endurance is at least 8.

- Great Arm of Sand [Suna Futoiude]

A huge arm forms from the sand, and tries to grab the enemy with
its large clawed hand. This jutsu is usually used to grapple a victim,
but it can also be used
as a shield or powerful punch. The arm can be guided, and stretch
easily beyond 50 feet in length. The arm lasts three posts before
dissipating. | Chakra- 40 |
Arm has 100 HP and a Strength score equal to the user's Intelligence |
Advanced ANBU | Must be near a large deposit of sand.

- Sand Instantaneous Body Skill [Suna Shunshin no Jutsu]

A technique which allows the user to transport from one place to
another in a veil of sand. | Chakra- 20 | ANBU | Can only be used once
per battle

- Sand Dragon Skill [Sabakuryuu no Jutsu]

This jutsu creates a dragon from the swirling of the surrounding,
which is quickly brought together and hardened by chakra. The dragon
can shoot small blasts
of sand from its mouth. The dragon has no wings and moves on all four
legs. It like a lizard of sorts and it may use the Hidden Sand Skill at
will as long as
it is standing on sand. If there is no nearby source of sand to
replenish the lost sand used in its blasts, the dragon will crumble
after two blasts. | Chakra-
200 | Damage- 60 (from sand blasts) | Dragon has 150 HP and 8 Strength
| Advanced ANBU | Affect lasts 5 posts

- Sand Sphere Counter [Suna no Hangeki Kyuutai]

After creating the surrounding orb of sand and using the Daisan no
Me to track the enemy, the user can make large spikes of sand move
towards the enemy out of
the orb. The orb will not lose its power or shape because of this, but
this technique will take a tremendous amount of chakra since so many
factors need to be
taken into account at the same moment. | Chakra- 30 (Per Spike) |
Damage- 40 (Per Spike) | Advanced ANBU | Sand Sphere and The Third Eye
must be active.

- Sand Shackles [Suna Sokubaku]

This jutsu makes four shackles made of sand launch from a sand
source towards an opponent. Each shackle reaches for a wrist or ankle.
| Chakra- 40 | ANBU |
This jutsu requires a large deposit of sand. Strength of 7 required to
break free of the chains.

- The Third Eye [Daisan no Me]

A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja uses sand to create an eye
through which they can clearly see without fear of being seen. Perfect
for spying or collecting
information, or targeting an opponent while guarding himself with a
wall-defense. | Chakra- 10 | ANBU | Lasts for five posts.

Jounin Jutsu

- Desert Coffin [Sabaku Kyuu]

The user's chakra controls sand and causes it to surround an
opponent or parts of his body, capturing them completely in sand. Only
the face is spared to
allow breathing. After opponent is captured, they may slowly be lifted
into the air and may even be attached to something. The biggest flaw in
this jutsu is
that the user must maintain concentration on this jutsu for it to work,
or the sand to the ground, inert. | Chakra- 75 | Advanced Jounin |
Affect lasts six
posts. Strength greater then 15 needed to break free of this jutsu. The
user must be near a large deposit of sand.

- Desert Funeral [Sabaku Sousou]

This is a macabre jutsu outlawed for its "inhumane method" that is
used as a follow up technique to the Desert Coffin. This jutsu causes
the Desert
Coffin to violently constrict, slowly crushing the entrapped victim. If
the Desert Coffin stops working, so does this jutsu. | Chakra- 100 |
Damage- 75 (Every
Post) | Jounin, Kinjutsu | Desert Coffin must be active.

- Hungry Desert [Gakidou Sabaku]

This jutsu starts by saturating all the sand in up to a 10' cubic
area with chakra. After that, the sand slowly begins swirling, pulling
anything in the
area or on the surface down gradually. It takes several seconds (3
posts) for someone to be completely submerged. Even once submerged,
it'll take a while
longer for the victim to suffocate. This jutsu is mostly used to
immobilize the target, since it takes a lot of chakra to continue to
pull the opponent under.
| Chakra- 50 (Every Post) | Jounin | Strength of 15 needed to break
free of the jutsu while it is active. Once the jutsu ends, the victim
is free to dig him or
herself out.

- Raging Sandstorm [Kyoubou Suna Arashi]

By drawing out all the sand in the vicinity in a huge wind the user
forces all the sand toward their opponent causing an extremely lethal
storm of slashing
sand particles. Not only can this jutsu erode flesh and cut ribbons all
over the opponent's body, the sand will remain in the wounds,
heightening the
stinging pain and making it hard to clean the cuts afterwards. |
Chakra- 100 | Damage- 200 | Advanced Jounin | The user must be near a
large deposit of sand.

S-Rank Jutsu

- Sand Dragon Awakening [Sunaryuudan no]

The surrounding sand hardens and rises into the form of a gigantic
dragon over 8' in height and length. The dragon really has a closer
resemblance to a
large lizard then an actual dragon. The dragon has incredible strength
and is capable of emitting powerful blasts of sand (that do 60 damage)
from its mouth.
The dragon's most fearsome ability, however, is that while the dragon
maintains its form, all the surrounding sand is kicked up and turned
into a raging
sandstorm that tears and rips the flesh of the surrounding opponents. |
Chakra- 300 | Damage- 75 (Every Post) | Dragon has 250 HP and 20
Strength | S-Rank |
Affect lasts 5 posts. The user must be near in a sandy terrain. The
user must know Sand Dragon Skill and Raging Sandstorm. The damage every
post does not stack
with itself or from the affects of raging sandstorm.

- Desert Behemoth Awakening [Sabaku Kyodaikaibutsu Nezame]

Sand and destruction have never met together in a jutsu quite like
this. After performing a very long line of hand seals, the user offers
a blood sacrifice by
biting his thumb (or other method), then slams both palms on the
ground. An enormous beast rises from the sand, looking like the top
half of a human being that
is slowly melting sand off its body. The face is two eye holes, an
indentation for a nose, and a large, gaping mouth that continually
moans. Its size and power
is not to be underestimated; one swipe from its thick arms can send a
man flying hundreds of yards away. If not that, the behemoth will
simply drag itself over
to an opponent, then collapse on top of him, effectively crushing him
under its weight. Absolutely grotesque to look at, it is even more
frightening to fight.
Even worse, it has no sense of allegiance to its summoner, and will
eagerly wreck havoc upon enemies and allies alike until it falls apart
about a minuet (10
posts) later. Small wonder why this just has been made highly
forbidden. | Chakra- 250 | Behemoth has 500 HP and 75 Strength | S-Rank

Last edited by Kitsune on Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 141
Join date : 2009-08-22
Age : 32
Clan/Bloodline/Demon : Kyuubi- 9-Tailed Fox
Village : Leaf
Dating/Married To : Single

Ninja Profile
Ryo: 600
Elements Mastered: Water (In progress)
Jutsus: D-RANK{Suichuu (Water Breathing), Ochiru Ame no Jutsu (Falling Rain Technique), Suiton: Chiisaimizubakahatsu (Tiny Water Explosion), Suiton: Mizutsume no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Claw Technique), Suiton: Dekishi (Water Style: Death by Drowning), Suiton: Rikkido Haji no Jutsu (Water Style: Liquid Grip Technique), Netou no Jutsu (Boiling Water Technique)} C-RANK{Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone)

Sand Village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sand Village   Sand Village Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 7:33 pm

Wind Jutsu

Genin Jutsu

- Dust Wind [Fuusajin]

A technique which uses a large fan that has been covered with a
thin layer of sand to create a small sandstorm. This sandstorm is
capable of deflecting weak
attacks and covering objects in a thin layer of sand. The sand and dust
kicked up by the fan is capable of blinding an opponent, if it gets in
their eyes. |
Chakra- 15 | Genin | Performed with a fan

- Wind Arrow Skill [Kaze Ya no Jutsu]

The user molds chakra and breathes in. He or she then blows out and
an arrow made of wind is shot from the user's mouth. The arrow cannot
easily be parried
or blocked but it can be dodged. Since it is made out of wind the arrow
is hard to see. | Chakra- 5(Inc3) | Damage- 8(Inc3) | Advanced Genin

- Wind Bullet Skill [Kaze Tama no Jutsu]

Performing this jutsu like he or she would perform Wind Arrow
Skill, the user spits out a bullet made of wind. Unlike its arrow
counterpart, which may puncture
the victim or even pass through their body, the bullet does not go pass
through the body. It stops at the skin and causes a severe bruise, a
direct and point
blank hit could cause internal bleeding. | Chakra- 6(inc3) | Damage-
10(Inc3) | Advanced Genin | The user must know Wind Arrow Skill

- Wind Harpoon [Kaze no Sen]

This is a more advanced version of the Wind Needles. Instead of
shooting out multiple smaller needles, the user fires a large harpoon
made of air from his or
her palm. Just like the wind needles, the harpoon can't easily be
blocked or parried because it is made of air. Up to two harpoons may be
fired at a time.
| Chakra- 10 (Per Harpoon) | Damage- 15 (Per Harpoon) | Advanced Genin
| The user must know Wind Needles

- Torrential Impact Skill [Shogeki no Jutsu]

This is a relatively simple jutsu that utilizes a large fan. By
applying chakra along the fan and using powerful arm motions, this
jutsu creates a powerful
gust of wind that slams into the enemy, pushing him back. This jutsu
may also be used defensively, to keep someone at bay or to knock
projectiles away. When
more power is applied, this jutsu is even capable of knocking a person
back. | Chakra- 15(Inc2) | Damage- 10(Inc2)

- Wind Needles [Kaze no Hari]

The ability to control wind and shoot it like needles. The wind is
usually formed on top of the user's finger and shot at will. This jutsu
cannot be caught
by bare hands due to the fact it is made from sheer wind, nor can it be
stopped in its tracks. It can be shot with dozens at the same time, and
does not have
to move in a straight line. The needles are easier to spot than most
due to the vacuum of air that they create. | Chakra- 5 (Per Needle) |
Damage- 3 (Per
Needle) | Genin | Using this jutsu does not count against the one jutsu
per post rule.

- Wind Surge [Boufuu Kyouzuu no Jutsu]

A defensive jutsu at best. The user distills the air around him or
she with his or her using chakra and at the exact moment of attack
releases a large burst of
air. The blast of wind goes out three feet and knocks a victim back at
least five feet. It is a defensive move that is usually used when the
user is caught off
guard. The wind is released from all sides of the body and stops
projectiles. A cool down period of three posts is required before this
jutsu can be used
again, or the user's skin could be severely damaged. | Chakra- 40 |
Damage- 20 | Genin | This just does not require hand-seals

Chuunin Jutsu

- Slicing Whirlwind Skill [Kamaitachi no Jutsu]

A jutsu that utilizes chakra and a weapon to create unusually large
bursts of wind. In reality it is not an actual burst of wind but more
of a tornado-like
motion that slashes at objects. Like a real tornado, the wind expands
as it goes farther and hits larger targets. | Chakra- 20 (Inc3) |
Damage- 30 (Inc3) |
Chuunin | Only the ANBU rank or higher may perform this jutsu without
the use of a fan or similar weapon

- Wind Bolt Skill [Kaze Kongou no Jutsu]

Most offensive wind techniques focus on a huge burst of wind that
slams into the opponent's whole body. This wind jutsu condenses the
wind down into a
spear like bolt of swirling wind. One could almost grab onto this wind
since it is so condensed down, though anyone doing so would likely find
their hand
removed from their body. After doing hand seals the bolt of wind flies
towards its intended target in a jagged pattern, almost like lightning.
If it hits, the
bolt will leave a deep puncture wound or may even impale the opponent.
| Chakra- 20(Inc2) | Damage- 30(Inc2) | Chuunin | User must know Wind

- Wind Drill Skill [Kaze Kiri no Jutsu]

An advanced version of the Wind Bolt Skill, this jutsu condenses
the wind down into a spear like a drill of swirling air currents. One
could almost grab onto
this wind since it is so condensed down, though anyone doing so would
likely find their hand removed from their body. After doing hand seals
the bolt of wind
flies towards its intended target. The drill is even capable of tearing
and drilling through solid rock. | Chakra- 40(Inc2) | Damage- 60(Inc2)
| Advanced
Chuunin | User must know Wind Bolt Skill

ANBU Jutsu

- Armor of Wind [Kaze no Yoroi]

The user manipulates his chakra and the wind around him to create a
whirlwind around his body. The wind forms a circle around the user ten
feet in diameter,
picking up debris and acting as armor for the user. Debris on the
ground, as well as projectiles thrown towards it, becomes part of the
armor and merely
strengthens it. A taijutsu user is useless against the armor as the
ninja will be knocked away or, in a worse case scenario, become apart
of it. | Chakra- 80 |
Damage- 30 | ANBU | Effect lasts one post.

- Grand Slicing Whirlwind Skill [Daikamaitachi no Jutsu]

This jutsu is a stronger form of Slicing Whirlwind Skill that
creates a much larger gust of wind. This jutsu, because of its
severity, has the power to be both
an offensive and defensive move all at once. A much larger tornado is
shot forth horizontally. Instead of cutting mere branches down, it has
the capability of
ripping the trees to shreds. The Grand Slicing Whirlwind even has the
ability to blow chakra waves away. | Chakra- 30 (Inc3) | Damage- 50
(Inc3) | ANBU | Only
S-Rank ninja may use this skill without the use of a fan or similar

- Wind Element; Wind Dragon Skill [Fuuton; Furyuu no Jutsu]

This jutsu creates a traditional blue Chinese Dragon from the wind.
The dragon is about twenty feet long with a red mane. The color,
however, is not distinct
because the wind borders transparency. The dragon fires one bolt of
wind from its mouth before ramming into an object the next post. |
Chakra- 150 | Damage-
100 | Advanced ANBU | Damage is the same for the bolt and the dragon.

- Wind Gloves Technique [Kaze Tebukuro no Jutsu]

This jutsu causes surrounding wind to swirl around the user's
hands, creating gloves that can rip up opponents on contact. Anything
that comes in contact
with or goes through the ball of chakra will be cut up by the wind
slashing around inside. The user's hand is protected by a thin layer of
chakra resting
between his hand and the swirling wind. These 'gloves' don't break when
they hit something because the user keeps a constant supply of chakra
through the balls and around their hands. | Chakra- 20 (Every Post) |
Damage- 30 (Per Strike) | Advanced ANBU | Normal melee damage is still
applied when the
user punches.

Jounin Jutsu

- Wind Blade [Kaze no Yaiba]

This jutsu causes a powerful tornado of wind that surrounds the
user's arm. The tornado is thin, and the other end comes to a point
about 5' away from
the user (shorter distances are possible). The sword cannot be blocked
due to it being made of wind but it can be dodged. | Chakra- 100 |
Damage- 50 | Jounin |
Sword lasts 3 posts

- Wind Element; Steroid Blanks [Fuuton; Renkuudan]

The user collects chakra in his fist, summoning wind in a "blank
round," and then pounds it into his stomach, directing the chakra
through his
stomach and out his mouth as powerful blasts of swirling wind embedded
with incredible amounts of chakra that can clear whole stretches of
forestry. Even the
most powerful of ninjas can't create more then three blanks in a single
battle without destroying their lungs. | Chakra- 65| Damage- 150 |
Advanced Jounin

- Wind Element; Wind Dragon Blast Skill [Fuuton; Fuuryuudan no Jutsu]

Powerful attack that creates a huge surge of wind in the shape of a
dragon, which is sent towards the opponent. If the victim is hit, it
they will seem as if
he or she is stuck inside a tornado. | Chakra- 100 | Damage- 200 |

S-Rank Jutsu

- Final Threshold of the Three Calamities: Fire, Flood and Storm [Sansai no Ketteiteki Shikiichi]

When a tornado is formed it picks up debris and sometimes other
elements. A hurricane is a tornado on the water that has taken up the
storm and water below it.
Using this jutsu, the user performs it like they would a Grand Slicing
Whirlwind, swinging the fan and firing the wind forth. When the tornado
hits a
sufficient amount of a required element, it takes up a new form. Each
element and form is a calamity. | Chakra- 150 | Damage- 150* | S-Rank |
The damage listed
here is for the normal tornado, the damage for each individual calamity
is listed below. The damage listed there replaces the one listed here.
This jutsu
requires a sufficient amount of an element to actually change. As a
general rule of the thumb, any jutsu of the ANBU rank or higher
produces enough. As for
natural resources, use only large quantities (such as lakes or forest

-Flood: If the tornado hits a body of water a massive
whirlpool-like tornado is sent towards the victim. When it hits the
ground or victim a large flood is
sent forward that could crush or drown the victim(s) | Damage- 400

-Fire: If the tornado hits a fire it would pick up the flames and
still be shot forward towards the victim. The tornado would take flame
qualities and a
"flaming spin-cycle" would ensue. If it hit the ground or victim an
explosion would occur and a large fire would be started. | Damage- 500

-Storm: If the tornado absorbs electricity or a cloud the tornado
would turn gray with lightning flashes being seen in the tornado. It
would be a thunder storm
crossed with a tornado shot towards a victim. | Damage- 450
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